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When receiving your shipment, please inspect the package in the presence of the courier. If there are visible signs of damage (torn parts or dents), you should not accept the parcel. In that case, please call us on +381637030388 or e-mail us your details (first and last name, contact number) at and specify the reason why you refused the delivery. We will contact you at our earliest convenience with further instructions.

If you have received the shipment and discovered, upon opening the parcel, that the delivered goods do not match those ordered or that the details on the invoice are incorrect, please contact us within 24 hours of receipt of the parcel on +381637030388  (business days from 08:00 AM to 4:00 PM) or email us with your details (first and last name, contact number) at and describe the problem. We will respond by post or email as soon as possible, in any case no later than 8 days from the receipt of the complaint, and inform you on further steps. Complaints are to be resolved within the period of 15 days of the receipt.

If the purchased product lacks conformity within the meaning of the Law on Consumer Protection, please let us know at or on +381637030388 .

In case of returning items to the Buyer, who previously accepted the items upon delivery, the cost of return of the items will not be subject to Lolam LLC but the Buyer.


By clicking on the CONFIRM button and confirming the order, you agree to these terms of filing complaints. Should you have any comments, complaints, objections, etc., please contact us at

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